5 Things You Don’t Know About Swedish Bitters, Where to Buy, How To Use, Testimonial Lao Champa TV

How do Swedish Bitters help with Candida?

Swedish Bitters have a number of positive effects on the way that your body works. Not all of these are relevant to Candida, but they are all beneficial to the smooth and efficient running of your internal systems. Here are a few that you should be aware of.
How to become a distributor for Swedish Bitters. Where to buy Swedish Bitters.

Swedish Bitters regulate stomach acidity

By stimulating the production of digestive enzymes such as hydrochloric acid, Swedish Bitters help to maintain a healthy, acidic environment in your stomach. There is a lot of confusion among Candida sufferers over acidic or alkaline environments. Just remember that Candida thrives on alkalinity – increasing your stomach acid is one of the easiest ways to slow Candida growth and re-balance your gut flora. How to use Swedish Bitters.

Swedish Bitters manage blood sugar

Swedish Bitters help to regulate the production of insulin in your pancreas. This can help prevent the spikes in blood sugar that can cause changes in your mood and energy levels. Most importantly, those blood sugar spikes are what has actually been feeding your Candida, so stable blood sugar levels will slow down your Candida overgrowth. Swedish Bitters for Export.

Swedish Bitters support liver function

The liver is a vital part of your digestive function, and Swedish Bitters promote the efficient functioning and cleansing action of this important organ. The Bitters stimulate bile production, helping to metabolize fats and promoting smooth elimination, and they prepare the liver to process nutrients efficiently.

Swedish Bitters reduce stress

Stress is actually a much more important factor in Candida overgrowth than many people realize. High levels of stress and adrenaline production weaken your adrenal glands, which in turn weaken your immune system. Bitters have a subtle, beneficial impact on your mood and in some cases can even have an antidepressant effect. Swedish Bitters Testimonial.

Swedish Bitters boost your immune system

Your immune system is very complicated and involves many different parts of your body. Swedish Bitters can help in at least a couple of these areas. Firstly, by reducing stress they allow your adrenals to function properly. Unhealthy adrenals weaken your immune system and your defenses against Candida. Secondly, bitters are supportive of your immune system because they help to repair the lining of your gut. This helps prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome, a disease whereby food from your intestine leaks into the blood stream and causes an immune response. A healthy gut lining leaves your immune system free to fight the Candida overgrowth. Swedish Bitters Lao Champa.

Swedish Bitters aid digestion

Swedish Bitters stimulate peristalsis, the contractions that help push food along through your digestive system. So bitters can actually help with mild constipation too.