Maria Treben’s Authentic Swedish Bitters Garlic Oil Become Distributor

The World Famous Formula

If ever we need an example of a “product, which is greater than the sum of its parts” –

Swedish Bitters clearly qualifies. If “synergy” has any meaning, Swedish Bitters is a shining example.

This is no “patented” product or process – which is doubtless why the huge medical companies of the world have decided to quietly ignore” the bitters”. This is one of the great open secrets available to mankind. The ingredients – just as Maria Treben and her legendary predecessors specify – are there for all to examine. Feel free to prepare the recipe in your own kitchen if you are so inclined!

Maria Treben (Author), Swedish Bitters, Bitters (Ingredient), Oil (Food), Garlic, Natural, Organic, Healthy, Cooking, Recipe, Aromatic, Compliment, Distributor