Swedish Bitters Healing Testimonials

Swedish Herbs – A Powerful Herbal Remedy?

Swedish Bitters (or Swedish Herbs) is a (very affordable) mixture of herbs and other ingredients the creation of which is ascribed to the outstanding mediaeval physician Paracelsus. The recipe* (with the herbs typically extracted in alcohol) is said to have been found among the writings of the Swedish physician Dr. Samst, a well-known rector of medicine who reportedly died at age 103 in a riding accident. According to an Old Manuscript, Swedish Bitters (applied externally as a compress and/or taken internally as drops) are a virtual panacea which will help with numerous serious and less serious health disorders including cancer.

* The ingredients of the Swedish Bitters formula comprise 10g aloe (Gentian root or wormwood powder may be substituted for aloe), 5g myrrh, 0.2g saffron, 10g senna leaves, 10g rhubarb roots, 10g manna, 10g angelica roots, 10g zedoary roots, 10g theriac venezian, 5g carline thistle root, 10g natural camphor. Compare the caveat re “counterfeit” Swedish Bitters under “Purchasing Swedish Bitters” below. (Incidentally, aloe is also found in this powerful Native cancer therapy & prevention formula.)

In recent decades, Swedish Bitters have been popularized through the writings of renowned Austrian herbalist Maria Treben, author of the bestselling books “Health Through God’s Pharmacy”, “Health from God’s Garden”, “Maria Treben’s Cures: Letters and accounts of cures through the herbal Health Through God’s Pharmacy” and others.

The following amazing healing testimonials involving Swedish bitters are excerpted from “Health Through God’s Pharmacy”, Maria Treben’s first book. While in many of these and similar cases of dramatic healings achieved, the impact of the well-known placebo effect cannot be ruled out, the first testimony involving Maria Treben herself certainly did not contain much (more likely none) of this “power of belief” element.

Although only two of the below healing stories refer to cancer, I am featuring all of these reported cures since they do point to Swedish Bitters being a very special, very powerful herbal remedy which helps the body to get well under many conditions, likely by cleansing the system and stimulating its innate healing powers in a number of ways.

Note: For many cancer cures achieved after following herbal advice by Maria Treben (frequently including Swedish Bitters as well as other herbal treatments), see the dedicated page Maria Treben’s “miracle” herbal cancer cures.

And now over to Maria Treben specifically reporting in “Health Through God’s Pharmacy” on results achieved with Swedish Bitters on a variety of different diseases (for ease of reference, order of testimonials rearranged and headings added by Healing Cancer Naturally):

Swedish Bitters: typhoid fever healed

It sounds almost like a fairy story, but it is true. As a refugee from the German-speaking area of Czechoslovakia, I became ill with typhoid fever in a camp in Bavaria, caused by contaminated meat, and through it, came jaundice and an obstruction in the intestines. I spent more than 6 months in hospital, and when my husband got my mother, my mother-in-law, our child and myself to Austria, I was a young but sick woman. At night I was hit by a terrible pain that shot through my body like a sword. In these moments I could neither sit nor stand, walk nor lie down; at the same time I vomited and had diarrhea. I was a helpless bundle of misery. These were afterpains of the typhoid fever which sometimes can go on for years, as the doctor said.

One day a woman brought me a small bottle containing a dark brown, strong smelling liquid. She had heard of my illness and wanted to help. The Swedish Bitters had relieved her of a serious complaint. Accompanying it was a transcript of an “old manuscript” in which was explained, in 46 points, how these drops heal every illness. The recipe came from the writings of a well known Swedish physician. As stated, all members of his family had reached an unusual old age. These drops, according to point 43, heal “plague boils and swellings even if already in the throat.”

I put the bottle in the medicine chest. I just did not believe that these modest drops could give me back my health, since the doctor could not even help me. Soon I changed my mind. As I sat in front of a large basket of overripe pears which needed to be used up straight away, I had another attack. As I had been told that these Swedish drops could be used externally as well, I did not hesitate for long and applied them as a poultice on the abdomen, put a small plastic bag over the poultice and then my girdle and continued my work. A wonderful warm feeling spread through my body, and suddenly, it felt as if with one movement of the hand, everything morbid in my body was pulled out. I assure you that with this single compress which I had on the whole day, all complaints of the preceding month disappeared, never to return.

I would like to give a few more examples of the wonderful effect of Swedish Bitters.

No longer wheelchair-bound

From my sister who lives in Germany, I learned that a mutual acquaintance from Leipzig had been confined to a wheelchair for 15 years. She had spent the war years in Prague and in 1945, as was the fate of many, had to stay for weeks in a cellar without straw or any other bedding. Later, she came to Leipzig with her husband. Soon she suffered from terrible deformation of the joints and then came the life in the wheelchair. I only learned of her difficult fate when her husband suddenly died and the poor crippled woman had to leave the flat and move into a furnished room. The sending of herbs or medication from Austria to East Germany is not allowed, therefore I had to send her the herb mixture from a border town in Bavaria every second month. Soon I received encouraging letters. She took 1 tablespoon of Swedish Bitters in a small amount of water and drank half of it before and half of it after a meal. She did this 3 times a day. Slowly the deformations receded and she was able to move her joints slightly. We prayed, she in Leipzig, we in Austria. After 9 months, this woman who had been tied to a wheelchair, could leave her flat for the first time. Slowly she improved and was soon able to do her daily work which helpful people had so far done for her.

Insect bites healed

Another accident happened near this lake. A 4 year old girl was stung by a hornet and her arm swelled up. I fetched Swedish Bitters and before the parents had clothed the girl, I was ready with the poultice and applied it while the girl was carried to the car. On arrival at the car, about 3 minutes later, the swelling had subsided and the doctor was no longer necessary.

While gathering raspberries, I was stung by a poisonous insect in the thumb. Overnight the thumb swelled up and while shopping a woman said to me, “You had better go directly to the hospital, such an infection could cause your death.” Overnight I applied Swedish Bitters as a poultice and the next day my thumb was back to its normal size.

Help with serious accidents

In the summer we often went swimming in a lake. One day, the large piece of wood that we used to sit on was leaning against a fence. I had my bag next to it and was bending over to gather up some things, when all of a sudden I felt this terrific blow on my leg. The large piece of timber had fallen over and struck me right on the leg. In no time, from the knee downward, it was dark blue and purple and two large swellings, about the size of a fist, appeared. I was carried to the car and then up to my room. My husband wanted to send for the doctor, but I asked him to apply Swedish Bitters as a poultice on my leg. Half an hour later I was able to walk downstairs to the dining room without any help. The next day my leg was smooth, there were no more swellings and the discoloration had cleared up as well.

One time I had an accident in the laundry. It was at the time when washing machines washed but did not rinse. The heavily entangled pieces had to be lifted out of the very hot water with wooden tongs. I tend to do everything quickly and with great energy. The tongs slipped and hit me in the eye. Stunned with pain and half blind, I walked upstairs. As soon as I had applied Swedish Bitters, the terrible pain eased. A little while later I looked into the mirror and saw that I had given myself a black eye. I was back in the laundry a quarter of an hour later with a piece of cotton wool moistened with Swedish Bitters covering the eye, a small piece of plastic over it and the whole lot tied up with a folded scarf. For a few days I kept applying these poultices overnight, thence there was no chance of anything developing behind the eye.

Some of the things Swedish Bitters are able to achieve

Swedish Bitters cleanse the blood, improve circulation, dispel flatulence, headaches, indigestion, stomach, gallbladder, liver and kidney disorders (even if alcohol is not allowed). These drops stimulate a sluggish intestine and dispel dizziness and lameness. For all illnesses, they are most beneficial, even for cancer.

Swedish Bitters awaken vitality and strengthen the life force so needed in our time. Preserve through them your health, strength and joy for your family, work and fellow man.

Swedish Bitters heal gall bladder attacks

As I do every year, I was taking a cure in a Kneipp Spa in Mühllacken, when the head nurse came into my room with a woman doubled up with pain. She suffered from gall bladder attacks and the doctor had advised her to have an operation. I applied Swedish Bitters as a poultice on the area of the gall bladder (first Calendula ointment or lard has to be applied, otherwise the alcohol would dry out the skin, then a piece of cotton wool is moistened with Swedish Bitters, applied to the painful area, a piece of dry cotton wool and a piece of plastic are put over it to keep it warm. Everything is now bandaged with a piece of cloth). I was just about to pull up her girdle when she sat up with a cry, “The pain is gone!” She continued to apply the compresses and she took the Swedish Bitters as drops, internally, 3 times a day, one teaspoonful in a little water or tea and the attacks never recurred.

Swedish Bitters externally applied: hearing restored

For years I looked after a woman who was all alone. Communication with her was somewhat difficult, since she was hard of hearing. In the Old Manuscript it says, “They bring back lost hearing.” Therefore she had to moisten the acoustic duct frequently with Swedish Bitters. The index finger, moistened with Swedish Bitters, is put into the ear. Do not forget to put a drop of oil into the ear from time to time, to avoid itching. At the same time this woman moistened her temples, her forehead and the area around the eyes. Now we can communicate normally and her face has a much fresher look. One day, as she was getting out of the bus, a car knocked her down and she fell on her face. Again Swedish Bitters helped her blue-red face to get back its normal color. On February 1st, she celebrated her 89th birthday.

How often have people who come to my talks told me that they are able to hear again and have packed away their hearing aid thanks to Swedish Bitters.

A lady from Burgenland, Austria, told me that her 23 year old niece had an auditory defect since birth. She was told that an operation in her case would be without success. This lady then asked her niece to try Swedish Bitters. They were very surprised when, 14 days later, the niece was able to hear normally.

A gentleman from Bavaria reports: “Through an accident I injured my right arm. Swedish Bitters soon alleviated the terrible pain. After almost 10 years of deafness in one ear, I was able to hear the ticking of the alarm clock again. Only twice did I put Swedish Bitters into my ear.” How many deaf people could be helped this way! Even if only a single one could get back his hearing.

My dear readers, I do not want to withhold a letter from Graz, Styria: “By chance or maybe providence, I had a talk with a 74 year old man in the bus. This man got back his hearing which he had lost during the war, when receiving head and brain injuries. Only 3 times had he put a piece of cotton wool moistened with Swedish Bitters in his ears.” (Letters provide proof of such accounts.)

Swedish Bitters and pain relief

Wherever there is pain, Swedish Bitters is always beneficial, taken internally as drops, applied as a compress or used as a rub or massage. These drops relieve pain internally or externally, anywhere in the body, because the blood supply to the affected area is increased. Therefore it is appropriate to apply Swedish Bitters as a poultice to the back of the head of people who suffer from epileptic fits. The cause of these attacks lies often back in the past; maybe a fall on the head or a shock in childhood. During a talk I gave, a man came up to me and told me that he received a double fracture of the base of the skull in a very bad car accident. After this had healed, he started to get a few epileptic fits a day. I recommended Swedish Bitters applied as a compress to the back of the head, and 4 cups of Stinging Nettle tea, to which 2 tablespoons of Swedish Bitters were added, daily. Stinging Nettle tea is necessary for severe epileptic fits. Several months later, he passed by my house to tell me that the fits had stopped.

For acute attacks of pain, 1 tablespoon is taken in a little water or tea. If 1 teaspoonful in a little water is taken 3 times daily, morning, noon and evening, good health is kept till old age.

Swedish Bitters for the brain, memory etc.

Meningitis, head injuries caused by a fall or a blow, stuttering and speech disorders are treated effectively with Swedish Bitters applied as a poultice to the back of the head. These compresses are also beneficial for bursitis. I have to emphasize again that for all severe illnesses a doctor has to be consulted first!

A piece of cotton wool moistened with Swedish Bitters, put in the ear, will clear up buzzing and ringing. If the base of the scalp is moistened, it will strengthen the memory.

Swedish Bitters for eye conditions

From the many letters I have received, I have learnt that Swedish Bitters applied as a poultice to the eyes has been effective in cases of detached retina and porous retina. All these people were going blind. These compresses are applied to the closed eye and left on for an hour. Healthy eyes, especially if strained, can profit too, if Swedish Bitters is brushed with the index finger along the lid to the corner of the eye. This way good eyesight can be enjoyed well into old age.

Swedish Bitters, colds and flu

For a cold, with all its accompanying symptoms such as weariness, tiredness, pressure in the head and heaviness in the stomach, a cotton ball is moistened with Swedish Bitters and held under the nose, while breathing in deeply. Immediately the head feels lighter. If the cold has already affected the bronchial tubes, the moistened cotton ball is held in front of the open mouth and breathing in is done with the mouth. Here, too, relief will be felt. During times of influenza, 1 teaspoon, sometimes 1 tablespoon, diluted with a little water is taken daily. In this way one is protected from the influenza.

Swedish Bitters and inflammation

During a visit at a farm I heard that the 12 year old son was to have an operation. Pus had formed behind the ear drum, due to an inflammation. I was against an operation, since sometimes, in similar cases, deafness occurs. A small piece of cotton wool moistened with Swedish Bitters was put in the boy’s ear. A lot of pus was discharged daily, the pain subsided and an operation was not necessary.

Swedish Bitters and cancer

For intestinal cancer – it was a young mother of five and the doctor had given her only a few more days – I recommended poultices applied to the area of the intestines, at the same time Calamus roots which are steeped in cold water overnight (1 level teaspoon per cup of water); 1 sip before and after each meal, and a tea made from equal portions of Stinging Nettle, Calendula and Yarrow. At least 2 litres [approx. 2 quarts] of this tea have to be sipped throughout the day. Today this woman is so much better that there is hope of a complete recovery.

A woman from Heilbronn/West Germany wrote, “About 10 months ago, my 41 year old nephew who lives in Sacramento, California, wrote in his letter that he suffers from bleeding of the colon daily and the medical diagnosis is without doubt cancer of the colon. A side opening would be necessary. I sent him your book ‘Health through God’s Pharmacy,’ Swedish Bitters, Calamus roots, Calendula, Yarrow and Stinging Nettle. He followed the instructions in your book. Today my nephew is able to work again. After taking the mentioned herbs for 4 days the bleeding stopped. Tiredness and loss of weight were arrested slowly.”

Swedish Bitters and asthma

A 52 year old man treated for 10 years for cardiac asthma had to take 8 tablets daily. For years he could only sleep sitting up, and for every step he took, he had to throw up his arms to get some air. I was of the opinion that this was caused not by the heart but by the liver. I applied Swedish Bitters as a compress to the area of the liver. He had to drink 1 cup of Common Club Moss tea, to which a teaspoon of Swedish Bitters had been added, in the morning and the same in the evening, daily. How right I was showed the first night when he was able to sleep lying down. Swedish Bitters and Common Club Moss tea brought about a swift and good improvement, so that 3 days later, he who had not stepped out of his house for years was able to walk around his little garden twice during the day. Slowly he is recovering.

Swedish Bitters achieve near-instant wound healing

A wound which would not heal after an operation closed overnight, after the patient had taken a large sip of the bottle of Swedish Bitters. This single sip caused the wound to close which had been open for three years and had to be dressed several times a day.

Swedish Bitters: muscular atrophy and muscular disorders

After a talk I gave, I learned from a listener that for 2 years, she had suffered from a weak anus muscle. The doctor said it was irreparable. Swedish Bitters together with Shepherd’s Purse, finely cut, macerated in rye whiskey or vodka and kept in a warm place for 10 days, heals muscular atrophy and serious muscular disorders; four cups of Lady’s Mantle tea and six sips of Calamus root tea a day remedied it.

Swedish Bitters and renal colic

Several years ago I suffered from renal colic. The doctor came in the middle of his surgery hours. In the meantime I had applied Swedish Bitters as a compress on the kidney region and when the doctor arrived, the pain had subsided. I was quite shame-faced because I had wasted his valuable time. He wanted to know why the pain had subsided so quickly. When he heard that I had applied a poultice, he said, Excellent, I do not have to give you, an injection!

Swedish Bitters had his approval. Whenever I came to his surgery he would say, I will not prescribe you anything, you have Swedish Bitters. It was he who had brought me closer to herbs.

Swedish Bitters: arthritis healed

An elderly lady came to see me. For years she could only walk with a stick, since arthritis had crippled her; nothing helped and she could not take it any longer. 1 teaspoon of Swedish Bitters in Stinging Nettle tea and Horsetail tea, taken 3 times a day, made a difference, and 3 weeks later I heard she was able to walk without a stick.

Swedish Bitters and injuries

A member of our small church choir injured her knee while ice skating. Since it was a small choir, she was missed badly. After church I met her in town. It was impossible for her to mount the steep staircase up to the choir. A few moments later I was at her place with the things required for a compress. As a doctor’s wife, she looked skeptically at my doings. This changed when she was able to bend her knee a few minutes later, and the next day she was able to mount the staircase. But unfortunately another member was missing due to a sprained ankle acquired while enjoying our so healthy winter sport. We knew that she was already at the casualty ward. Now the lady who only the day before had had a stiff knee asked me to go and put the compress on the sprained ankle. I was reluctant to do it because the woman had been treated at the hospital, but thinking I might find myself singing alone, I changed my mind. I found her lying on the couch with a very swollen, painful ankle. In the hospital she was told just to keep her foot raised. Swedish Bitters applied as a compress brought her immediately some relief. The next day she came to the choir, although the roads were icy. She was without pain, and her ankle was normal.

In a telephone call from Vienna I heard a female voice say, “Thank you so much for Swedish Bitters:’ When 12 years old, during a school hike in the mountains, this woman was inadvertently hit in the face by the girl in front of her with her climbing boot. Hence, for 40 years, off and on, she suffered from a festering jaw and had undergone 16 operations and several punctures. She had to break off her studies, was unable to take the profession she wanted, and plagued by serious pain, she looked after a household. When 52 years old she read about Swedish Bitters, applied it as a compress on the jaw area and finally was freed from all pain.

Swedish Bitters: gastritis and pancreatic disorders

One day in a restaurant I saw a man who was obviously in pain. I got out my Swedish Bitters and gave him a tablespoonful in a little lukewarm water. Color came back to his face and he could not believe it when the pain subsided. 6 months later I came back to the same place, I had already forgotten the incident, when a gentleman came up and thanked me profusely. He looked years younger. With the help of Swedish Bitters he had lost all complaints which acute gastritis and disorder of the pancreas had caused him.

Since Swedish Bitters clears up disorders of the pancreas, they are most beneficial for diabetes.*

More Swedish Bitters applications

Skin conditions

Warts, liver spots, corns, moles, hemorrhoids, even birthmarks and seborrhoea will disappear if they are moistened repeatedly with Swedish Bitters.

Phlebitis and thrombosis

For phlebitis and thrombosis, Calendula ointment is smeared thickly on the affected areas and then Swedish Bitters, as a compress, is applied. When healed, Stinging Nettle foot baths are taken to improve the circulation.

When travelling

Since Swedish Bitters is such a wonderful remedy, no medicine chest in the house should be without it. Poured into small bottles, it can be taken along on trips. Often away from home, the food is disappointing and the need arises to stimulate digestion and to shake off weariness and tiredness. In these cases, Swedish Bitters is a true ‘elixir’. A sip, watered down, is taken internally and, externally, some drops are brushed on temples, forehead, eyes and the area behind the ears. In no time the beneficial effect is felt.

How about Swedish Bitters’ alcohol content?

Again and again I receive inquiries if Swedish Bitters can be used when alcohol is prohibited. According to credible laboratory tests, the herbs drown the alcohol and are considered as medicine. Therefore they can be taken without detriment. In such a case, first of all commence with 1 teaspoon a day and a compress should be applied to the area of the kidney and liver.

[In fact, according to point 45 of the Old Manuscript featured below, “a drunk can be sober on the spot with 2 tablespoonfuls”.]


(Transcript of the Swedish Bitters’ curative power)

1. If they are frequently breathed in or sniffed, the base of the skull is moistened or a moistened cloth applied to the head, they dispel pain and dizziness and strengthen the brain and memory.

2. They help dim eyes and take away redness and pain, even if the eyes are inflamed. They rid them of spots and cataracts, if the corners are moistened in time or a moistened piece of cloth is applied to the closed lids.

3. Pustulas and eczema of all kinds, as scabs in the nose or elsewhere on the body, are healed, if they are often and well moistened.

4. For toothache a tablespoon of these drops is taken with a little water and kept in the mouth for a little while or the aching tooth is moistened. The pain soon eases and the putrefaction disappears.

5. Blisters on the tongue or other infirmities of the tongue are frequently moistened with the drops and healing soon occurs.

6. If the throat is hot or inflamed, so that food is only swallowed with difficulty, these drops are swallowed slowly, morning, noon and evening, and they take away the heat and heal the throat.

7. For stomach cramps, 1 tablespoonful is taken.

8. For colic, 3 tablespoonsful are taken slowly, one after the other, and relief will soon be felt.

9. They rid the body of wind (gas) and cool the liver, eliminate all troubles of the intestines and stomach and help constipation.

10. An excellent remedy for stomach disorders, if the digestion is faulty or food cannot be kept down.

11. They are beneficial for pain in the gall bladder. 1 tablespoonful daily in the morning and evening, and at night, compresses, and soon all pain will disappear.

12. For dropsy 1 tablespoonful in white wine is taken in the morning and evening for 6 weeks.

13. For pain and buzzing in the ear a piece of cotton wool is moistened and put into the ear. It is very beneficial and brings back lost hearing.

14. For morning sickness, 1 tablespoon of the drops in red wine is given for 3 days, half an hour later a walk is taken, then breakfast, but no milk. These drops should not be taken after drinking milk.

15. In the last 14 days of pregnancy if 1 tablespoon of the drops is taken mornings and evenings, it promotes the birth. For easy expelling of the afterbirth, a coffeespoonful is given every 2 hours, until the afterbirth is expelled without pain.

16. If, after a birth when the milk dries up, inflammation develops, it quickly subsides if a moistened piece of cloth is applied.

17. They expel worms, even tapeworms, in children and adults, the amount taken by children being according to age. A piece of cloth moistened with drops is applied to the navel and kept moist.

18. They rid children of pustulas. The children are given these drops according to age, diluted with water. If the pustulas start to dry up they are moistened frequently with these drops and no scars will develop.

19. For jaundice very soon all complaints disappear, if 1 tablespoon of these drops is taken 3 times daily and compresses are applied to the swollen liver.

20. They open all hemorrhoids, heal the kidneys, rid the body of all unnecessary liquids without further treatment, take away melancholy and depression and improve appetite and digestion.

21. Hemorrhoids are reduced, if, in the beginning, they are moistened frequently and if the drops are taken internally, especially before going to bed, they soften the hemorrhoids. Externally a cotton ball moistened with the drops is applied. It makes the remaining blood flow and relieves the burning.

22. If someone has fainted, open his mouth if required, give him 1 tablespoon of the drops and he will come to.

23. This remedy rids you of the pain of spasm (cramps) so that it will cease in time.

24. For consumption take them daily in the morning on an empty stomach and continue the treatment for 6 weeks.

25. If the menstrual flow ceases for a woman or it is too heavy, she takes these drops 3 days and repeats it 20 times. They will, what is too much, lessen and what is too little, even out.

26. This remedy also helps to cure “whites” (white vaginal discharge).

27. If someone is afflicted with epilepsy, he has to be given these drops on the spot and he should then take this remedy exclusively, since it strengthens the affected nerves as well as the body and rids it of all sickness.

28. They heal lameness and rid you of dizziness and indisposition.

29. They heal also hot pustulas and erysipelas.

30. If someone has fever, be it hot or cold, and is very weak, he is given 1 tablespoonful of the drops and the patient, if he is not overloaded with other medications, will in a short time come to, the pulse will start to beat again and the fever, no matter how high it was, will pass and the patient wilt soon be better.

31. The drops also heal cancer, old pock marks, warts and chapped hands. If the wound is old or festering or proud flesh has developed, everything is washed well with white wine and a piece of cloth moistened with the drops is laid upon it.

32. They heal, without danger, all wounds, be they from a stab or a hit, if they are moistened frequently. A piece of cloth is taken, moistened with the drops and the wounds covered therewith. They take away the pain in a short time, permit no blemish or putrefication and heal also old wounds which were caused by a shot. If there are holes, the drops are sprinkled into the wound which need not necessarily be cleaned beforehand. Through repeated applying of the moistened cloth, healing occurs in a short time.

33. They take away scars, even if very old, wounds and cuts if moistened up to 40 times with them. All the wounds heal and leave no scars.

34. They heal all fistulas, even if they seem incurable, as old as they may be.

35. They heal all burns and scalds, be they caused by fire, hot water or fat, if the injuries are moistened frequently. No blisters form, the heat is taken out and even festering blisters are healed.

36. They serve against swelling and bruises, be they caused by a blow or a fall.

37. If someone cannot eat with appetite, they bring back the lost taste.

38. In anemia they bring back the lost color, if taken for a period in the morning. They cleanse the blood, form new blood and promote circulation.

39. Rheumatic pains in the limbs are eased if the drops are taken morning and evening and a moistened cloth is applied to the aching parts.

40. They heal frost bitten hands and feet, even if there are open parts, if a moistened cloth is applied as often as possible, but especially at night.

41. For corns, a cotton ball moistened with the drops is applied and kept moist. After 3 days the corns fall out or can be removed painlessly.

42. They heal too, bites of mad dogs and other animals, if taken internally, since they heal and destroy all poison. A moistened cloth is laid upon the wounds.

43. For plague and other infectious diseases, it is well to take them repeatedly since they heal plague boils and swellings even if already in the throat.

44. He who cannot sleep at night takes these drops before going to bed. For nervous sleeplessness a piece of cloth moistened with diluted drops is laid upon the heart.

45. A drunk can be sober on the spot with 2 tablespoonfuls.

46. He who takes these drops morning and evening daily needs no further medication, since they strengthen the body, tone up the nerves and the blood, take away the trembling of hands and feet. In short, they take away all illness. The body stays supple, the face young and beautiful.

Important: All stated amounts of Swedish Bitters should be diluted with herb tea or water.

The wonderful healing power of this herb mixture is shown in the above text of the “old Manuscript.” It can be said, and rightly so, that there is hardly any illness where Swedish Bitters is not of benefit, or at least is effective as a basis for every treatment.

Reference: http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/swedish-bitters-herbal-remedy.html

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